HUMPTY DOOM photobook
Published by Bad News Books (Aotearoa) SOLD OUT
Spanning 20 years, Liss photographs the Larrakia Country on which their family lives, addressing the inevitable failures of settling stolen land. “I grew up in a rural district on the tropical fringe of the “northern territory”, Humpty Doo. Haunted by pictures I took as a teenager (some included in the book) I make photographs of the next generation of my family growing up in this place.”
Darkly humorous and intimate, with the surrounding savannah environment, Humpty Doom engages with what it means to represent what will always be Larrakia land. The book was edited by the Bad News Books team.
“Until I looked at these pages, I had never supposed that a book might have little need for words.” – Gerald Murnane on Humpty Doom
Also Humpty Doom exhibition here
Finalist in the Paris Apeture first book award 2023.
Exhibited in Contemporary Photobooks from Australia, V&A Museum London.
Designed by Stuart Geddes
112 pages
Offset printed with 67 colour plates
OTA-bound with soft cover
230 x 320mm
Edition of 500
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